Foster a dog!
Foster us!
All of the dogs listed below are in need of Connecticut foster homes! Without your help, we cannot continue to rescue dogs. What it means to foster is that you graciously open up your home to one of these dogs and take care of them until they get adopted. The rescue provides for what the dog needs and gives you supplies such as a crate, collar, leash, food, and any medications. If you have to pay for anything for the dog you simply send us a receipt and we reimburse you! We handle making all veterinary appointments for our dogs, as well as covering the cost! All you need to do is follow the rules that we have laid out in the contract, give the dog love and attention, and drive them to any veterinary appointments they may have. You can apply to foster through the link at the bottom of the Applications page, and if you have any questions you can email us at allaboutthedogs2022@gmail.com or message us on Facebook!